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Atari emulators for Download

Download the best Atari emulator for PC (Windows, Linux and MacOs): Stella 4.7.

Stella 4.7.2

It is the best Atari emulator for PC, running in the following operation systems: Windows, MacOs and Linux. The Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), was released in 1977, was the video game's most successful in 80's, the Stella emulator was initially released for Linux but is now multi-platform, running on MacOS, OS / 2, Unix, Windows, Linux, Irix, etc.

Download Stella (Windows x64 e x32) 3,0 mb

Download Stella (Mac-os) 4,7 mb

Download Stella (Linux Ubuntu x32 DEB)- 1,8 mb - Download Stella (Linux Ubuntu x64 DEB)

Download Stella (Linux Fedora x32 RPM) - 1,8 mb - Download Stella (Linux Fedora x64 RPM)

Rating: 9,6

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